The Rainbow Tours Capital Group includes the parent company, i.e. Rainbow Tours Spółka Akcyjna and the following subsidiaries:

Subsidiaries of the Rainbow Tours Capital Group:
(1) „MY WAY BY RAINBOW TOURS” Sp. z o.o. (limited liability company) – direct subsidiary
- participation of Rainbow Tours S.A. in „MY WAY BY RAINBOW TOURS” Sp. z o.o. – 100%
- HQ adress: 90-361 Łódź, 270 Piotrkowska Str.
- National Court Registry No: 0000261006, National Business Registry No (REGON No): 100217357, National Tax Identification No (NIP No): 7251927175
- buissness description: The operations of “My Way by Rainbow Tours” Sp. z o.o. concentrate on organizing and providing training for travel couriers, leisure time animators, and holiday representatives under the Rainbow Academy project [the website:]
(2) WHITE OLIVE A.E. [ANONYMI ETAIREIA - company limited by shares operating under Greek law] – direct subsidiary
- participation of Rainbow Tours S.A. in WHITE OLIVE A.E. – 71,54%
- HQ adress: Athens, Greece
- Main Register of Entrepreneurs in Greece [G.E.MI.] No: 137576424000
- buissness description: WHITE OLIVE A.E. is the owner of hotel properties in Greece and provides hotel services for Rainbow Tours S.A. and other tour operators
(3) RAINBOW TOURS DESTINATION SERVICES TURKEY TURIZM VE SEYAHAT HIZMETLERI A.S. [ANONIM SIRKETI - the company limited by shares operating under Turkish law] – direct subsidiary
- HQ adress: Alanya, Türkiye
- the number in a Business Register [Ticaret Sicilinin]: 25046;
- the number in the Central Registration System (MERSIS): 0734199873400001
- buissness description: RAINBOW TOURS DESTINATION SERVICES TURKEY TURIZM VE SEYAHAT HIZMETLERI A.S. provides directly additional services sold to customers of Rainbow Tours Spółka Akcyjna (tours and optional trips), also to other market entities (tour operators)
(4) RAINBOW DISTRIBUCE S.R.O. [SPOLEČNOST S RUČENÍM OMEZENÝM - a limited liability company under Czech law] – direct subsidiary
- participation of Rainbow Tours S.A. in RAINBOW DISTRIBUCE S.R.O. – 100%
- HQ adress: Prague, Czech Republic
- Commercial Register number maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague: 198 68 839 (File reference: C 393007)
- buissness description: RAINBOW DISTRIBUCE S.R.O. is a representative of Rainbow Tours S.A. in the Czech Republic; it is a distribution company (sales of tours departing from Prague, Brno and Polish airports for Czech customers), the scope of activity of RAINBOW DISTRIBUCE S.R.O. also includes management of a network of sales agents and organization of resources necessary for conducting Rainbow sales in the Czech Republic