Basic information |
Business name |
RAINBOW TOURS joint-stock company |
Registration court; National Court Registry Number |
District Court for Łódź-Śródmieście in Łódź, 20th Commercial Division of the National Court Register; 0000178650 |
Share capital (fully paid) |
1.455.200 PLN |
National Tax Identification Number (NIP No) |
7251868136 |
National Business Registry Number (REGON No) |
473190014 |
Registered office adress |
PL, 90-361 Łódź, Piotrkowska 270 |
Phone number |
42 680-38-20 |
Fax number |
42 680-38-69 |
Web pages | |
| |
Stock market | |
The short name of the security |
Abbreviation (marking) |
ISIN code (International Securities Identyifying Number) |
PLRNBWT00031 (ordinary bearer shares traded on the WSE) PLRNBWT00049 (series A and C1 registered preference shares) |
FISN code (Financial Instrument Short Name) |
RAINBOW/BRSH PLN0.1 (ordinary bearer shares traded on the WSE) RAINBOW/FXD REDEXT PFDSH SER-A C1 (series A and C1 registered preference shares) |
CFI code (Classification of Financial Instruments) |
ESVUFB (ordinary bearer shares traded on the WSE) ESETFR (series A and C1 registered preference shares) |
Quote market |
parallel market |
Quotation system |
continuous trading system |
LEI code (Legal Entity Identifier) |
25940062QUG3WEUEGE88 |
Industry sector |
According to classification of Warsaw Stock Exchange the Company is in the following sector: 600 [trade and services] 630 [recreation and leisure] / 632 [travel agencies]; |
Belonging to an industry sector |
“hotels and restaurants” |
Stock exchange indices that include the Company's shares | WIG140, mWIG40, mWIG40TR, mWIG40dvp, WIG30, WIG30TR, WIG, WIG-Poland, GPWB-CENTR, CEEplus |
Company bodies |
The Management Board |
Maciej Szczechura - the President of the Management Board Piotr Burwicz - Vice-Chairman of the Management Board Jakub Puchałka - Vice-Chairman of the Management Board Aleksandra Piwko-Susik - the member of the Management Board |
The Supervisory Board |
Paweł Walczak - the chairman of the Supervisory Board Grzegorz Baszczyński - the member of the Supervisory Board Tomasz Czapla - the member of the Supervisory Board Monika Kulesza - the member of the Supervisory Board Monika Ostruszka - the member of the Supervisory Board Joanna Stępień-Andrzejewska - the member of the Supervisory Board Remigiusz Talarek - the member of the Supervisory Board |