Rainbow Tours S.A.

Basic information


Business name

RAINBOW TOURS joint-stock company

Registration court; National Court Registry Number

District Court for Łódź-Śródmieście in Łódź, 20th Commercial Division of the National Court Register; 0000178650

Share capital (fully paid)

1.455.200 PLN

National Tax Identification Number (NIP No)


National Business Registry Number (REGON No)


Registered office adress

PL, 90-361 Łódź, Piotrkowska 270

Phone number

42 680-38-20

Fax number

42 680-38-69

Web pages





Stock market

Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE)

The short name of the security


Abbreviation (marking)


ISIN code (International Securities Identyifying Number)

PLRNBWT00031 (ordinary bearer shares traded on the WSE)

PLRNBWT00049 (series A and C1 registered preference shares)

FISN code (Financial Instrument Short Name)

RAINBOW/BRSH PLN0.1 (ordinary bearer shares traded on the WSE)

RAINBOW/FXD REDEXT PFDSH SER-A C1 (series A and C1 registered preference shares)

CFI code (Classification of Financial Instruments)

ESVUFB (ordinary bearer shares traded on the WSE)

ESETFR (series A and C1 registered preference shares)

Quote market

parallel market

Quotation system

continuous trading system

LEI code (Legal Entity Identifier)


Industry sector

According to classification of Warsaw Stock Exchange the Company is in the following sector: 600 [trade and services] 630 [recreation and leisure] / 632 [travel agencies];

Belonging to an industry sector

“hotels and restaurants”

Stock exchange indices that include the Company's shares

WIG140, mWIG40, mWIG40TR, mWIG40dvp, WIG30, WIG30TR, WIG, WIG-Poland, GPWB-CENTR, CEEplus

Company bodies


The Management Board

Maciej Szczechura - the President of the Management Board

Piotr Burwicz - Vice-Chairman of the Management Board

Jakub Puchałka - Vice-Chairman of the Management Board

Aleksandra Piwko-Susik - the member of the Management Board

The Supervisory Board

Paweł Walczak - the chairman of the Supervisory Board

Grzegorz Baszczyński - the member of the Supervisory Board

Tomasz Czapla - the member of the Supervisory Board

Monika Kulesza - the member of the Supervisory Board

Monika Ostruszka - the member of the Supervisory Board

Joanna Stępień-Andrzejewska - the member of the Supervisory Board

Remigiusz Talarek - the member of the Supervisory Board